Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to make a origami Jabba the Hutt Finger Puppet. Even Though it says that it is not a finger puppet, you can make it one by puting a small strip of tape across the back.

1 comment:

  1. When I first found this origami project, and made it, it looked very cool. With it's pointed tail, and it's large mouth and daring eyes, it looks like this puppet would need to put up a origami paper wars battle with Origami Yoda and Skywalker (even though he is on the good side in real life. So this one looks like it be the first challenge that I would give. To make a perefect mouth and tail, would take a lot of time for a non-expert to accomplish. So before I do on this monday, "practice"! ( You will see it on the poll right under the blog arcives on Monday, 4/3/2012).
